There are several people participating in this project. I thought it would be fun and interesting to participate as well. View the world as I view it. See it through my eyes. As we begin the new year of 2011 Each Day I will be photographing anything I come across that inspires me. This should get extremely interesting. Hope you enjoy and hope that it inspires you as well. Life is so beautiful and there are so many beautiful moments, why not capture them in a photograph and allow that moment to live for eternity.

January 1st 2011

January 1st 2011- Most of you know I suffer from Insomnia. 
But it has its perks. I was able to see the sunrise and a brisk cold winters morning. 
The birds were singing sweetly with the sound of an airplane overhead.

January 2nd 2011

January 2nd 2011-I took this picture a few minutes ago,
outside my bedroom window. 
Although I live in the PJ's none the less there is beauty here. 
I have the view of the Williamsburg bridge 
and at night as you can see the lights glow like small city fireflies.

January 3rd 2011
January 3rd 2011- I am trying to eat right and have light snacks. 
So I stuck with this today. Since my body is not used to drinking 
nothing but water, I think I had a mini convulsion today.


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