Saturday, January 9, 2010

Confidence is KEY to Sexiness

Confidence is key to sexiness.

Okay so growing up I was either always shorter than everyone, fatter[thicker] than everyone, had bigger boobs. And constantly I was made fun of , put down, or made to feel like an object in a mans world. Being fed these lies I though that being thin was going to make me beautiful, was going to have the pretty girls accept me, was going to have the boys notice me. Foolish I know, but society and media teaches young girls that beauty is putting pounds of makeup on your face, showing off your body and starving yourself. Not cool. My parents always told me to be proud of who I was , to be proud that I was Latina, to be proud of where I came from. You should never allow an individual or people in general strip you of your dignity.

Finally, finally after leaving an absuive 5 year relationship, finally, after standing up to so-called friends, finally after standing up to the bullshit and pain.


Fuck being skinny, Fuck being liked, FUCK MEN, FUCK LIES, FUCK PAIN, FUCK A NIGGA, FUCK A SLUTTY BITCH, FUCK ANYTHING THAT GOES AGAINST ME. I'm me, this is the package you either take it or leave it. I love myself, I love the fact that I got double D's cuz most bitches especially this blankito broads would pay thousands just to reach my cup size, but its all natural baby[grabs my boobies]. Fuck being tall, i get my shit for cheap!!! HA! I LOVE BEING THICK, I GOT THESE CURVES BITCHES ARE WORKING THEIR ASS OFF IN THE GYM TO HAVE! CURVES NIGGAS ARE DYING TO SEE. pfft.

Cocky am I? YES DAMN RIGHT and I deserve to be this way. Coming from the hell I used to dwell in 24/7 ...making it to the peace and serenity now. HA! HATE ON ME BITCHES, HATE ON ME CUZ I LOVE IT I LOVE IT BABY! suck a fuck, drink some bleach and go chew on a grenade. And to all my true friends thank you for always sticking by me and lecturing me lol. Im so damn sexy.


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