Struggles of a woman is constantly brought forth in society today. But I as a young woman myself would say that it is a womans calling to struggle. To struggle, to sympathize, to be humble, to nurture , to love and protect. It's in our blood and it is something that is inevitable. Have you ever came across a woman so passionate for something in life? So driven and incredibly inspired? Well I would have to give my thanks to God because from 2009 to now 2010 I have come across the most remarkable young women ever. These women defy the odds and refuse to be labeled as a statistic. Women from all cultural and faith based backgrounds. It is amazing how much a woman can tolerate and what she will endure all for the sake of something she loves and is passionate for. In the bible it clearly says that we were all created in his own image. Now think about it, not that God is a man or woman but he is greater than that, greater than anything and everything, but we were created in his image. How beautiful is it that God will take his time in creating a beautiful masterpiece. Women. Women who would soon one day become great leaders, wonderful parents and true inspirations. All women should value themselves much more than what media and society potray us to be. We have all came from different walks in life. Lets share our struggles, let us share our stories and let us profoundly arise and rejoice in our victories. Devil if you only knew what we women would become after then storm you would have never messed with us.
Ladies, please i employ you take heed to the words I write now as it is pouring out of my heart and soul. Value yourself, love thyself and be true to thyself. We do not need to resemble women on tv or magazines to actually feel as if we are beautiful. Beauty truely lies skin deep. Let us shine ladies, let us stand tall and smile and let the radiance of our love SHINE.
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