Friday, January 15, 2010

Please Help Haiti

I am quite sure we are all aware about the tragedy that has happened in Haiti.
If we can spend our money on meaningless items, if we can give attention to Tiger Woods
infidelity which was on the cover of newspapers, we can surely have a heart and help Haiti.


Phone number for Americans looking for their relatives in Haiti 1-888-407-4747

The following is a list of links to the donation pages of legitimate charities and organizations that you can donate to; long links have been shortened for easy re-tweeting. A mirror of this list is available to share as well at:

American Red Cross International Relief Fund:

Donate to the Canadian Red Cross and specify that your donation go to the Earthquake in Haiti:


International Medical Corps

Medical Teams International

AmeriCares Help For Haiti:

Doctors Without Borders:


Partners in Health:

International Organization for Migration:

Catholic Relief Services:

Yéle Haiti:

Hope for Haiti

Beyond Borders

Haitian Health Foundation:

Childcare Worldwide:

Friends of the World Food Program:

Samaritan's Purse

Operation USA:

Save the Children:

Meds and Food for Kids:

Direct Relief International

Salvation Army

Operation Blessing International:

World Wide Village

International Relief Teams


World Vision:

World Concern:

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