Wednesday, February 17, 2010

The Giving Tree By: Shel Silverstein

PhotobucketI have a true love for books && childrens books at that. I can clearly remember learning to read back to my mother at the age of 3 years old. Reading opened up my tiny little mind to amazing new worlds. Each time I would pick up a book it would play in my head as I was reading to myself, just like a movie. I was the narrator. Amazing. Now that I have my nephew I have been purchasing books for him to start his own library. Reading is extremely important, and I can not wait to sit down with him and converse about the books we just read together. One book that touched my heart was "The Giving Tree" Written by Shel Silverstein. I bought it, along with a few other books for my nephew on Saturday. He is still too young but he is not too young for me to read to him. It stimulates the brain.

Synopsis: A classic book for all ages—for mothers and fathers! A moving parable about the gift of giving and the capacity to love, told throughout the life of a boy who grows to manhood and a tree that selflessly gives him her bounty through the years. All ages
Pub. Date: February 1986

Publisher: HarperCollins Publishers

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