Wednesday, June 9, 2010


Okay so after a few minutes of a mind battle with myself [corny I know] I finally decided what to blog about. It's rare that I come across such humble, gifted kind hearted individuals. I think about two years ago I found a lovely lady on myspace and requested her. Let me rephrase before those with twisted minds assume something. I requested her because of her work, she is a photograp[HER]. I've allways loved and appreciated The Arts from a child till even now. Arts revolve around many various ways of expression. As I consider myself an artistic invidual I have done lyrical dancing when I was younger, there was a point where I did Fashion Design when I attend Fashion Industries High School, then I began to develop a love/passion for writing. It is my therapy, the one thing besides God that I can pour my heart into. But enough about me .....this entry is not about me PERIOD.

So to continue on, I came across the lovely NEEF FRESH. Now if you have not heard of her or seen her work , well....all I have to say is "Have you been living under a rock!?" Her photos, the quality, the contrast, the editing, the scenery, the clothing attire, the make-up, the hair styles ...I mean everything in her photo's are equisite. I mean I am dead serious, so serious that tonight I was telling a friend about this photographer, he did not believe me , so I told him she is on modelmayehem. He checked out the photo's and all he kept saying was "Omg.........*silence* Omg.....*silence*.....Yo Cyn this shit is on point like she is nasty with it, damn yo this shit should be in the magazines!" Of course in my head I was gloating saying told you so, but I told him I know her photos should be in fashion magazines.

Not only is her work amazing, but unlike other artist's who are most of the time down right cocky, stuck-up, arrogant and full of themselves and I can keep on, NEEF FRESH is far from having any of those negative qualities. I mean she and I are not best friends, but I am a fan of her work and have been for the past two years, allways reading her updates on Myspace, Facebook...Twitter. And she is just extremely AWESOME. She is such a wise, caring, humble, devoted, hard working young woman. Drive and determined to get where she wants to be in life. She has the confidence and believes in herself. All these things I truely from the bottom of my heart admire. One day....I keep telling day I will have professional photos taken for the first time and when I do, she is the one I am going to. And I say one day because times is hard, we in that recession ....ya figadeal what im sayin right? LOL. And when a few other things get into order in my life. I currently have been working on some things for a while. My womans focus group, theatre/drama, I am part of the worship minsitry and church and sing, hopefully an upcoming clothing line in the future and write a book preferably a Memoir.

I admire people with such passion and often find myself seeking people like that to obtain friendship, because I feel I can connect more with them than what others can. Not everyone is born with the gift of being an artist. Everyone is great at something just not everyone is great in the arts.

I really hope to see her work in magazines one day, I hope to have my photos taken by NEED FRESH one day as well. And I hope her next project as she has mentioned on her facebook all works out as planned. I'm just a loving person at heart so when I do things its because I want to, I don't mind. So I know I willbe praying for NEEF FRESH, she needs to make it, she needs to get where she wants to get. Because she will be a symbol for me as well as to others that dreams really do come true as long as you work hard and never give up. She gives me hope that with some hard work my dreams and my aspirations will take flight.

NEEF FRESH if you read this ever, just know I know there are haters out there but that is normal lol. But I'm not a groupie [they are becoming popular in the internet world now (-_-) ] , not someone seeking recognition for anything or trying to gain some type of spotlight from you. I see that alot and quite frankly its sad. But just know I have been a fan of your work and will continue to remain a fan. I am looking foward to the new things that you will be working on. Keep being yourself, keep creating, keep bringing beauty and esssence alive in people's photos....just keep pressing on. As I said in my tweet to you [ @cyndy_monroe] this woman right here is the bomb.

No I will not give out her Facebook, No I will not give out her myspace and No I will not give out her twitter. LOL
But you can check her out here.

Please check out her work here. The link will be provided below:

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