Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Ready for War

So 2010 has been an emotional rollercoaster for me. Seriously. And my close friends and those close in my circle have known what an incredibly rough year this has been. Alot of physical and emotional pain I have endured. But others...those I would consider WEAK [sorry its true] would have given up. But for what?! Why let the enemy win, why let him steal my glory, my victory and have what is so rightfully mine.....things that I have worked so hard in. Nah nah nahhhhh yo.....I aint having it.

I refuse to bown down in defeat......let it be known I am claiming my victory.
So I'm a critical deep thinker and this just came out; nothing exceptional or mind blowing but it is my testimony to faith, my last words to THE ENEMY before I put on my armor...because I am going into WAR.

-And now the tests of my loyalty to HIM begin, The enemys strategies are now being planned, while he plans out his blue print to win my SOUL, The Lion and The Lamb will swallow him whole, I can feel the atmosphere getting thick as I draw closer to HIM everything that surrounds me turns dark and grim, but I have my eye on the prize the light at the end of the tunnel, Im putting on my spiritual armor so the enemys minions cant get under, Im ready for WAR.

Oh and this song testifies for me......

---Cynthia xoxo

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